A Random Idea for E-Books

I read a lot of history books and therefore find myself looking up locations on Google Maps periodically. For example, I'm reading a book that covers the history of Piracy in the Caribbean, an area that I must admit little familiarity with. Since I'm unfamiliar with the area I find myself turning to Google Maps quite frequently. While needing to consult an atlas was unavoidable during the era when dead tree books were all the rage it dawned on me that we don't have to suffer such inconveniences e-books. It would take very little effort to include an embedded link in e-books that would open a mapping service (be it Google Maps, Bing Maps, Apple Maps, whatever) to the location being discussed in the title.

I would greatly enjoy it if history book publishers would begin doing this for the e-book editions or their titles. It would be a minor time saver but an appreciated one.