Audit the Fed Bill Passes in the House
Persistance does pay off as Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill has finally passed in the house:
At long last, Ron Paul has his day.
The House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved the Texas Republican's bill to increase the transparency of the Federal Reserve. With bipartisan support, the measure passed 327-98.
For Paul, the path to getting his bill approved in the House has been a long, and often lonely one. He first introduced the bill to a skeptical House a decade ago. While his efforts were ignored at the time, the call to audit the Fed" has gained support from mainstream Republicans and Democrats.
While this is good news and there is obvious massive support for the bill Harry Reid has made it clear that he intends to block the bill from being voted on in the Senate:
While Wednesday's passage in the lower chamber is a victory for Paul and his supporters, the bill is considered dead on arrival in the Senate. Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader and Nevada Democrat, has vowed not to put it to a vote.
Needless to say I'm not surprised. The last thing the state wants to do is audit the organization that makes the endless wars and entitlement programs possible.