Baen Books Demonstrates How to Win
When I finished reading Robert Buettner's Oprah series I couldn't wait for his next works to come out. Eventually Overkill was released but no Kindle format was to be found, leaving me wanting (an e-book version).
Some time ago I learned that the e-book version of Overkill was available on Baen Books and I have to way they're working hard on winning. Namely when you buy an e-book from Baen you can download it in any DRM-free format your heart desires (at the time of this writing Overkill is made available in Mobi, ePub, HTML, Microsoft Reader, Sony Reader, rich text format, and some obscure format I've never heard of called Rocket). You read correctly, DRM-free.
I don't know how a publisher could do much better. Obviously I grabbed the Mobi format so I could read it on my Kindle but I also grabbed the ePub format just to test it out (works fine as expected). More publishers need to learn from Baen's example, hand me DRM-free files and I'll love you forever.