Banning What is Already Banned

It appears that a politicians from New York has discovered the fact magazines can be printed and is moving to make the manufacture of standard capacity magazines on a 3D printer illegal:

On Wednesday New York Representative Steve Israel issued a statement on his website promising to include a ban on 3D-printed high-capacity magazines–ammunition-feedings devices that attach to firearms and carry more than ten rounds–in his proposed renewal of the Undetectable Firearms Act. Israel’s statement comes just days after Texas-based Defense Distributed posted a YouTube video showing its demonstration of a 30-round magazine it 3D-printed and tested over the weekend, using it to fire 86 rounds through a semi-automatic rifle.

“Background checks and gun regulations will do little good if criminals can print high-capacity magazines at home,” Israel said in his statement. “3-D printing is a new technology that shows great promise, but also requires new guidelines. Law enforcement officials should have the power to stop high-capacity magazines from proliferating with a Google search.”

Did I say he wanted to make 3D printed magazines illegal? I mean to say illegaler since standard capacity magazines are already illegal in New York. How much more pointless can grandstanding be?