Be Careful What You Post Online

I'm sure some of you reading this enjoy the use of Facebook Places and Foursquare. I'm sure you also enjoy posting about future upcoming vacations and whatnot so your friends will be jealous of your sweet week in Hawaii. You've probably noticed by now that I don't really post when I'll be away. If there is some reason I'm unable to create new posts on here I'm vague as Hell as to why (maybe it's a heavy work load, maybe it's a vacation, who knows). This is the same reason I disable the ability for others on Facebook to check me into locations via Places and it's because of smart assholes like these:

Nashua police are crediting an alert off-duty police officer who heard fireworks with cracking a burglary ring that targeted homes known to be empty because of Facebook postings.

Criminals being ever vigilant have been using peoples' postings online to figure out when they were away from home so said criminals could break in and rob the domiciles. Granted most criminals are smart enough to watch a place to determine when a person goes to work or otherwise leaves home on a schedule but generally they can't tell when somebody is leaving for an extended period of time. It's information such as this that you never want to hand to the enemy.