Because They Have Nothing Better to Do
Is the name of your wireless access point something racist, bigoted, or otherwise offensive? If so you could find yourself subject of an investigation because the police apparently have nothing else to do:
A bigot named their WiFi signal “F--- All Jews and N----” — and now cops are investigating.
The hateful signal I.D. popped up on the iPhone of a 28-year-old mom inside a Teaneck, N.J. recreation center, where her 3-year-old daughter was attending dance class.
The offending signal was coming from a router connected in the Richard Rodda Community Center in the the township, located 10 miles outside New York City.
The woman, who is African-American, rushed to the office, and informed employees and other parents of the hateful WiFi connection.
Police were called, and when they responded they located the router in the rec center, township Police Chief Robert Wilson said.
You know what would have been a far saner solution? Had an employee of the Community Center simply located the access point and either unplugged it or renamed the network. It's really a simple thing to do and doesn't require calling the police in to investigate.