But New York's Strong Gun Laws Made this Impossible

Ladies and gentlemen I'm not sure how this is possible but it appears as though there was a tragic shooting in New York over the Labor Day weekend:

Three people were killed and two police officers were injured in a gun fight in Brooklyn Monday evening -- the latest bloodshed in a violent holiday weekend in New York City that saw at least 48 people shot.

An exchange of gunfire between two men broke out in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood around 9 p.m. Monday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference.

Some of the top minds in the country are baffled by this as we were assured by the anti-gunners that New York's strong gun laws would prevent such tragedies as this from ever occurring. I'm sure Bloomberg and his posse will be demanding more stringent gun laws throughout the country because as we all know if something doesn't do what you want you just need to try it again harder.