Carry Permit Applications Spike in Florida
While gun control advocates are always quick to tell people they need to be more vulnerable, common sense seems to reign supreme. It's not uncommon in the wake of a mass shooting for carry permit applications to spike. The most recent mass shooting in Orlando is a prime example of this:
Thousands of Floridians are looking to take personal safety into their own hands after the massacre at an Orlando nightclub last month.
In May, the Florida Department of Agriculture distributed more than 20,000 applications to people interested in a concealed weapon permit or other firearm license. That number jumped to more than 36,000 in June, according to recently released numbers.
The applications are either sent by mail or downloaded from the department's website.
One of the reasons mass shootings are so frightening to the average person is because they demonstrate just how helpless unarmed individuals are against an armed individual. Gun control advocates, unwilling to face that fear, pray to their god, the State, to make all the bad things go away. People willing to face that fear take matters to mitigate their risks in case they find themselves in such a position. A byproduct of this practical attitude is that the general public becomes less vulnerable as more people within it are able to resist armed attackers.