Colorado Initiative to Hinder Education
Why are there so many people who believe that everything they don't like should be illegal? There's an initiative in Colorado to prohibit children under the age of 13 from using portable electronic devices:
If a Colorado initiative gets its way 49 other states are going to be looking like anarcho-capitalist havens. Initiative 29 or the “Preservation of a Natural childhood” could make selling smartphones, tablets, and any sort of handheld wireless technology to anyone aged 13 and younger illegal which is anything but natural.
A group of concerned parents decided that since they didn't have such wonderful tools growing up they are "unnatural" and therefore bad for children. Parents not wanting their children to have portable electronic devices isn't bad in of itself. But these concerned parents aren't keeping their rule within their own homes. They're demanding that the State enforce their household rules throughout Colorado.
Their claim is also fucking stupid. Children using portable electronics is unnatural? I wonder if parents who were born immediately before the invention of the printing press tried to prohibit children from acquiring books because they believed books were unnatural. If technology is unnatural then we've all been deprived of a "natural" childhood because we've all grown up in an era where technology is pervasive.
Not only is their claim stupid but they are also advocating that children throughout Colorado be deprived of incredible educational tools. Smartphones, tablets, and other portable electronic devices offer direct access to mankind's greatest collection of knowledge, the Internet. There is also a plethora of education apps available for these platforms. I frequently use several foreign language apps such as Duolingo and Memrise on my iPhone. Apps exist for teaching children mathematics, how to read, how to code, about science, and many other valuable skills. To deprive children of these tools just needlessly handicaps their education.