Count the Anti-Gun Memes
Articles written by anti-gunners usually bore me. Instead of bringing up new arguments and solutions to the problem they perceive they continue regurgitating the same bullshit over and over again. Let's play a game, I'm going to call it Count the Memes. The idea is simple, to count the number of anti-gun memes mentioned in an average anti-gun article. In this pose I will point out the meme, give a brief explanation about each meme when it first occurs, and keep a running score of the memes dropped in the article. The contestent today is this article titled Silencing the Guns:
That was not, however, the first bipartisan moment related to the attack on Gabby Giffords, nor would it be the last. In 2004, Congress let the assault weapons ban Bill Clinton had passed “sunset” despite overwhelming public support.
"Assault" weapon ban + 1
"Assault" weapon ban points are awarded for mentions of the "assault" weapon ban as a mechanism that would prevent crimes involved criminal uses of firearms.
Total Memes So Far "Assault weapon ban: 1
That law limited the number of rounds of ammunition a shooter could fire before having to reload, and letting it die an untimely death allowed a mentally ill young man in Tucson to purchase a handgun with a 33-round magazine. Had the assault weapons ban remained in place, he may well have been able to shoot the congresswoman, but he would not have been able to empty his clip, killing 6 people and wounding 13 others, before being tackled to the ground.
Ignorance of gun law + 1
Ignorance of gun law points are awarded when an article incorrectly states what a law legally defined.
Total Memes So Far "Assault weapon ban: 1 Ignorance of gun laws: 1
But on neither that national day of mourning nor on any day since has the president or the members of Congress, who are either too frightened or too corrupted by the National Rifle Association, honored Giffords or the memory of those who died in that massacre in Tucson in the most appropriate way: with a return to common sense, like reestablishing the assault weapons ban that might have saved their lives.
The evil NRA + 1.
The evil NRA points are awarded for instances where the National Rifle Association (NRA) is mentioned with some kind of clandestine power or other undue influence. This point gets awarded often as anti-gunners like to mention the NRA as some kind of powerful puppet-master that has total control over our government and people.
"Assault" weapon ban + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 2 Ignorance of gun laws: 1 The evil NRA: 1
Later in January, Representative Carolyn McCarthy and Senator Frank Lautenberg proposed legislation to outlaw high-capacity magazines; it has gone nowhere.
High capacity magazines/clips + 1
High capacity magazines/clips is awarded whenever an article mentions standard capacity magazines. The award contains the verbiage magazines/clips because most anti-gunners are too stupid to realize there is a difference between the two.
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 2 Ignorance of gun laws: 1 The evil NRA: 1 High capacity magazines/clips: 1
The first President Bush, unlike his swaggering son (who advocated the demise of a ban on assault weapons whose sole purpose is to hunt humans) showed political courage by publicly quitting the N.R.A. in disgust in 1995 when it began advocating ideas like its contention that citizens need military-style assault weapons to protect themselves against our own government (members, for example, of the National Guard).
Insurrectionist + 1
Insurrectionist points are awarded whenever an article mentions militias, insurrectionists, or other anti-government individuals or groups in a manner meant to strike fear into readers.
"Assault" weapon ban + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 1 The evil NRA: 1 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1
One of them, of course, is Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which discourages de-escalation of potential firefights in public with predictable results, like the shooting death in Sanford, Fla., of Trayvon Martin.
Ignorance of gun laws + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 1 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1
If an assassination attempt on one of their own did not move members of Congress to ask whether the N.R.A. has a little too much sway in their chambers, a few dead and wounded teenagers, medical patients, and their family members were not going to unlock their safeties.
The evil NRA + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 2 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1
Most have clearly made the risk assessment that they have more to fear from the N.R.A. than they do from an occasional sniper.
The evil NRA + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 3 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1
In the 2010 election cycle, the N.R.A. spent over $7 million in independent expenditure campaigns for and against specific candidates, and it has a remarkable record of success at taking out candidates and elected officials with the misfortune of being caught in its crosshairs.
The evil NRA + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 4 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1
Last year alone guns killed or wounded another 100,000 Americans; roughly 30,000 of them died.
Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides + 1
Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides points are awarded whenever an article mentions statistics involving firearm related incidents without differentiation between the number of suicides, accidents, self-defense cases, and homicides. Anti-gunners purposely avoid differentiation to make their case look stronger by using artificially inflated numbers.
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 4 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1
We don’t know exactly how many have been killed in the fighting in Libya, Egypt and Syria, but our elected officials have had far less trouble calling for the ouster of Middle Eastern leaders than the leadership of the N.R.A.
The evil NRA + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 4 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1
In contrast, everyone but the lunatic fringe in America supports gun safety laws — such as eliminating the gun-show loophole that allows the sale of military-grade weapons without background checks, and has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans as well as Mexicans, whose drug cartels find the loophole extremely helpful.
Demonizing gun owners + 1
Demonizing gun owners points are awarded whenever an article attempts to demonize gun owners in a general sense. Usually this is done by stating gun owners are uncivilized rednecks from or by questioning the size of a gun owner's penis.
Gun-show loophole + 1
Gun-show loophole points area awarded whenever an article makes mentioned of the fictional gun-show loophole. When anti-gunners state gun-show loopholes they really mean the legal ability of two individuals to perform trade between one another without government involvement.
Military-style weapons + 1
Military-style weapons points are awarded whenever an article arbitrarily states a firearm is military in nature. This award is based on ignorance as bolt-action rifles are based on military weaponry but generally never mentioned as such.
Background checks + 1
Background checks ponts are awarded whenever an article makes references to background checks. Statements regarding background checks are usually made in an attempt to make gun owners seem unreasonable. That is to say most people accept background checks as a good thing and therefore people opposing background checks are seen as ignorant, extremist, or simply evil. It's related to the demonizing gun owners category although happens with enough frequency to merit its own category.
Ignorance of gun-related events + 1
Ignorance of gun-related events is awarded whenever an article makes a statement regarding a gun-related event without actually knowing what happened. In the case of Mexican drug cartels getting firearms, they were given those guns by the United States government through a smuggling operation called Fast and Furious, not a loophole in any existing firearm law.
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 4 High capacity magazines/clips: 1 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1 Demonizing gun owners: 1 Gun-show loophole: 1 Military-style weapons: 1 Background checks: 1 Ignorance of gun-related events: 1
In national testing, we’ve found that a simple, non-equivocating statement focusing on that point of intersection — law-abiding — beats the toughest “they want to take away your guns” message we can fire at it. It leads every demographic group other than those who stockpile weapons to support common-sense gun safety laws.
Special side note: it's interesting to see an article admit that anti-gunners use the manipulation of language to persuade people to support gun control. Usually they aren't so brazen as to outright state such a fact.
Offered a message that speaks to their ambivalence, people readily recognize that a 33-round clip makes it virtually impossible to tackle a shooter until he has had time to kill 15 or 16 people.
High capacity magazines/clips + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 4 High capacity magazines/clips: 2 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1 Demonizing gun owners: 1 Gun-show loophole: 1 Military-style weapons: 1 Background checks: 1 Ignorance of gun-related events: 1
hey understand that allowing people to purchase military-style weapons at gun shows without a background check renders gun safety laws meaningless.
Military-style weapons + 1 Gun-show loophole + 1 Background checks + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 4 High capacity magazines/clips: 2 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1 Demonizing gun owners: 1 Gun-show loophole: 2 Military-style weapons: 2 Background checks: 2 Ignorance of gun-related events: 1
Beginning with a statement of principle both makes clear the speaker’s intent and inoculates against all the slippery-slope arguments used by the N.R.A. and the elected officials in its employ or fearful of its power: “My view on guns reflects one simple principle: that our gun laws should guarantee the rights and freedoms of all law-abiding Americans. That’s why I stand with the majority who believe in the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns to hunt or protect their families. And that’s why I stand with the majority who believe they have the right to send their kids to school and see them return home safely at night.”
The evil NRA + 1
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 5 High capacity magazines/clips: 2 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1 Demonizing gun owners: 1 Gun-show loophole: 2 Military-style weapons: 2 Background checks: 2 Ignorance of gun-related events: 1
This shouldn’t be an issue of left or right. Grocery stores in Tucson, where Gabby Giffords was shot (and where my mother-in-law shops — she just happened to be out of town that Saturday), are not hotbeds of “socialism.” I don’t know the party affiliations of the fallen teenagers in Chardon or the staff members, patients or families in Pittsburgh, but I suspect they ranged across the political spectrum.
Pretending to relate to a gun-related event + 1
Pretending to relate to a gun-related event points are awarded whenever an article author tries to tie themselves with a gun-related event in an attempt to generate sympathy from readers. It usually involves a mention of the author's mother's friend's uncle's cousin's former roommate living within 100 miles of where the gun-related event occurred.
Total Memes So Far "Assault" weapon ban: 3 Ignorance of gun laws: 2 The evil NRA: 5 High capacity magazines/clips: 2 Insurrectionist: 1 Not differentiating between suicides, accidents, self-defense, and homicides: 1 Demonizing gun owners: 1 Gun-show loophole: 2 Military-style weapons: 2 Background checks: 2 Ignorance of gun-related events: 1 Pretending to relate to a gun-related event: 1
In the end this article composed of 14 paragraphs had 23 memes with zero citations to backup any made claims. Overall I feel the meme score for this article was fairly average. In the future I would advise the author to work harder to get insurrectionist points and pretending to relate to a gun-related event points. Focusing on the evil NRA points is common and makes it difficult to distinguish one article from another.
Unfortunately the predictability of anti-gun articles make them a bore to read. All I do anymore is count the memes as they never contain original material, research, or information. As you can see the meme counts can get pretty high in short articles meaning this would make a very harsh drinking game. Now that I think about it I believe I'll begin writing drinking game rules for this.