Decentralized the Internet

I'm glad to see that other people are beginning to understand the need to decentralized the Internet:

Net neutrality as a principle of the federal government will soon be dead, but the protections are wildly popular among the American people and are integral to the internet as we know it. Rather than putting such a core tenet of the internet in the hands of politicians, whose whims and interests change with their donors, net neutrality must be protected by a populist revolution in the ownership of internet infrastructure and networks.

In short, we must end our reliance on big telecom monopolies and build decentralized, affordable, locally owned internet infrastructure. The great news is this is currently possible in most parts of the United States.

I've been saying this for years. If you want a feature like net neutrality, you have to control the infrastructure. Personally, I'd like to see a decentralized Internet that encrypts all traffic by default for both confidentiality and anonymity purposes. What people are calling net neutrality would be enforced by default on such a network because nobody could see the traffic to throttle or block it. However, it would come at a performance cost (TANSTAAFL).

One thing is certain, begging the Federal Communications Commission Fascist Communications Club (FCC) to enforce net neutrality isn't a longterm solution as we're seeing today. Under the Obama administration net neutrality was enforced by the FCC. Under the Trump administration it looks like it won't be enforced. When the next administration comes into power it could go either way. Begging Congress isn't any better because what one Congress passes a future Congress can eliminate.