Don't Make Vague Threatening Statements When You Carry A Gun
Sometimes I become complacent in my assumption that gun owners as a whole are a pretty cool group. This is probably because most of my friends who own guns are really awesome people. But then a social issue hits the headlines and I'm reminded that a lot of gun owners are just as big of assholes as a lot of anti-gunners. This post is about one of those gun owners.
Target reiterated its bathroom policy, which is a sensible policy that allows transgender individuals to use the facilities of their gender, and now a bunch of social conservatives are announcing their plan to boycott the store. I have no issues as far as that goes since everybody should be free to associate or disassociate with anybody they choose for whatever reason they choose. But a handful of these social conservatives seem to be having a competition over who can be the biggest asshole about it.
The current winner of this competition may be Anita Staver. Staver felt the need to make a special announcement to alert the world that she will be carrying her firearm into a very specific place:
After Target announced its transgender customers and employees can use store bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity, Orlando-based Liberty Counsel president Anita Staver said she would be taking her Glock .45 into Target's restrooms, saying the gun "identifies as my bodyguard."
Most of us who carry a firearm don't feel the need to specifically announce every single place we're going to carry it. In fact when one go out of their way to make a special announcement that they're going to carry a gun into a place that is currently being featured in heated debates -- especially when that announcement contains language that belittles one side of the debate -- it might come off as a bit threatening. Just maybe.
If you want to carry a gun, just carry the damn thing. Don't be an asshole about it. And especially don't make statements about the fact you carry that could very easily be perceived as threatening to a group of people you openly hold distain for. In other words, don't be this asshole.