Don't Stick Just Anything In Your Port
Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash drives are ubiquitous and it's easy to see why. For a few dollars you can get a surprising amount of storage in a tiny package that can be connected to almost any computer. Their ubiquity is also the reason they annoy me. A lot of people wanting to give me a file to work on will hand me a USB drive to which I respond, "E-mail it to me." USB drives are convenient for moving files between local computers but they're also hardware components, which means you can do even more malicious things with them than malicious software alone.
The possibility of using malicious USB drives to exploit computers isn't theoretical. And it's a good vector for targeted malware since the devices are cheap and a lot of fools will plug any old USB drive into their computer:
Using booby-trapped USB flash drives is a classic hacker technique. But how effective is it really? A group of researchers at the University of Illinois decided to find out, dropping 297 USB sticks on the school’s Urbana-Champaign campus last year.
As it turns out, it really works. In a new study, the researchers estimate that at least 48 percent of people will pick up a random USB stick, plug it into their computers, and open files contained in them. Moreover, practically all of the drives (98 percent) were picked up or moved from their original drop location.
Very few people said they were concerned about their security. Sixty-eight percent of people said they took no precautions, according to the study, which will appear in the 37th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in May of this year.
Leaving USB drives lying around for an unsuspecting sucker to plug into their computer is an evolution of the old trick of leaving a floppy drive labeled "Payroll" lying around. Eventually somebody's curiosity will get the better of them and they'll plug it into their computer and helpfully load your malware onto their network. The weakest link in any security system is the user.
A lot of energy has been invested in warning users against opening unexpected e-mail attachments, visiting questionable websites, and updating their operating systems. While it seems this advice has mostly fallen on deaf ears it has at least been followed by some. I think it's important to spend time warning about other threats such as malicious hardware peripherals as well. Since it's something that seldom gets mentioned almost nobody thinks about it and that helps ensure experiments like this will show disappointing results.