Everything is Permitted
I do enjoy those rare glimpses into the unfiltered minds of our overlords. Usually they are careful with what they say and hide their depravities behind a veil of officialdom. But every now and then their facade cracks and they reveal their trust selves to the world. Rudolph Giuliani just did exactly that:
Giuliani said Trump does not necessarily want the United States to extract the oil itself but wants to "leave a force back there and take it and make sure it's distributed in a proper way."
"That's not legal, is it?" ABC's George Stephanopoulos asked, as the Geneva Conventions forbid seizing the natural resources of a sovereign nation after invading it.
"Of course it's legal. It's a war," Giuliani said, laughing. "Until the war is over, anything's legal."
Suddenly the perpetual state of war makes more sense. So long as the war continues the State believes it can excuse any of its depravities.
What Giuliani has expressed isn't unique to him, he was just dumb enough to say it publicly. But if you look at the extensive list of atrocities that have been committed by the United States in this never ending war such as bombing wedding parities, killing children, and raping prisoners and you see that punishments are never doled out you realize that the political class believes everything done is legal. What makes matters worse is that there is no relief for the civilians living in the areas the United States is bombing. Since the war on terror has no concrete set of parameters that constitute winning the war has no defined end. It can be waged perpetually and the State has no motivation to end it since it believes war gives it an avenue to do anything without consequences.