Glock 21 Gen4
My current competition gun is a Glock 21SF with the horrible ambidextrous safety. I've been meaning to dump it and get a different Glock 21 but have been waiting for the fourth generation version to be unveiled before making any such move. Well the guys over at Downrange TV had the good fortune of playing with the Glock 21 Gen4.
The Glock 21 Gen4 will have the interchangeable backstrap, reversible magazine release, and a telescoping recoil spring. None of that is new but it seems Glock is also coming out with a beaver tail backstrap which really does nothing for me but should make many other people happy.
Hopefully they come out before USPSA starts up again (yes I really do hate that ambidextrous magazine release, nothing like hitting it and not having the magazine actually drop out).