Great Post Showing the Similarities Between Flat Earthers and Anti-Gunners

Rob Allen posted an excellent little spiel showing how gun control advocates are a lot like people who still claim the Earth is flat...

From the post...

To this day, there are still people who cling to the belief that the Earth isn't a sphere. No matter how much evidence you provide them, the Earth is Flat / Hollow / an Inverted Torus etc. They even have a non-profit organization. It's called the Brady Campaign.

You see, all the factual evidence in the world won't stop those who are anti-gun from continuing to believe that violence can be lowered if only everyone would just give up their guns. They keep making new laws that have no effect, so they make more laws. When the simple statistics and logic are brought up showing that increased gun control does little to curb crime and that criminals still continue to flaunt the law, they go an pull more and more 'data' and try to confuse the issue with statistical noise and outliers.