Gun Control Fails Again

California consistently scores the highest on the Brady Campaign Scorecard [PDF] meaning they have the most draconian gun laws on the books. You can't carry a firearm unless you're extremely wealth or politically well connected so I have to ask, which was this guy:

The gunman who killed seven people and injured three others at a California college has been named by police as 43-year-old One Goh.

If Goh was not wealth or politically well connect it should have been impossible for him to carry a firearm into that school. That is, of course, if you're dumb enough to believe the gun control advocates' claims about gun control being an effective means of preventing crimes involving firearms. What could have stopped Goh before he managed to murder seven people? Another armed individual who could have fought back. Unfortunately this occurred at a school, which is a gun-free zone in California. Wait... if college campuses are gun-free zones then how did Goh carry a firearm onto campus grounds? Was he not properly informed? Perhaps the idea of gun-free zones is a load of malarkey and does nothing to prevent criminals from brining a firearm onto a college campus.

Time and time again the ideas of the gun control advocates are proven to be entirely wrong. It's a good thing people are waking up to this fact because were people still listening to the gun control advocates we wouldn't have so many states allowing individuals to legally carry a firearm.