Guns are Inanimate Objects
Advocates for gun control like to scream, "Guns kill," and gun rights advocates like to respond by screaming, "Guns salve lives!"
I tend to give gun control advocates a bit more leeway in this case because I understand that their entire platform is built upon make-believe. If you believe in unicorns, it's not inconsistent to argue for unicorn rights. But many gun rights advocates seem to want to have their cake and eat it too. On the one hand, gun rights advocates rightly point out that guns are inanimate objects and are therefore incapable of killing. However, an inanimate object is also incapable of saving lives.
To my fellow gun rights advocates, I urge you to be consistent in your arguments. If you rightly point out that guns are inanimate objects incapable of taking a life, don't follow up by saying that guns save lives. Don't restrict yourself to arguing inside of the gun control advocates' fantasy land where guns are animate objects capable of acting.