Hidden but Obvious Selective Biases
I came across this article, which argues that it's time to take away voting rights from white men. I don't have anything to say about the argument in the article itself since I think voting is stupid and pointless. But one paragraph jumped out at me:
At the same time, a denial of the franchise to white men, could see a redistribution of global assets to their rightful owners. After all, white men have used the imposition of Western legal systems around the world to reinforce modern capitalism. A period of twenty years without white men in the world's parliaments and voting booths will allow legislation to be passed which could see the world's wealth far more equitably shared. The violence of white male wealth and income inequality will be a thing of the past.
Socialists like to argue that capitalism is bad because it's a philosophy of white men. However, if we look at the most prominent socialist thinkers we're left with a trend that socialists like to ignore. Karl Marx? White man. Friedrich Engels? White man. Vladimir Lenin? White man. Mikhail Bakunin? White man. As it turns out, modern socialism appears to be a philosophy of white men as well.
I don't hold the belief that something is good or bad because it's predominantly advocated by people of a certain race, gender, religious belief, etc. and the fact that modern socialism is predominantly advocated by white men isn't the point of this post. The point of this post is that a lot of people practice selection bias that is obvious to anybody outside of their circle but almost entirely unseen by people within their circle.
Socialists, for example, like to accuse capitalism of being a philosophy of white men while ignoring the fact that their philosophy is no different in that regard. They also like to claim that every failed socialist state wasn't real socialism but was really a capitalist state. To people within their circle, this confirmation bias goes mostly unseen. To those of us outside of their circle, it's as obvious as a baseball bat to the face. And just in case you think that I'm letting capitalists off of the hook, I'm not. They fall into the same trap. Everybody does. This is why you should always be open to the possibility that your beliefs are wrong.