HK: Because You Suck and We Hate You

Somebody pointed me to a funny article today...

I'm sure a few people who read this (and who I tag to this) have experienced people who are zealous fans of some gun manufacturer because they saw the guns in a video game.

Anyways this article reminded me of an experience I had with some "tacticool" (God I love that word) kids at a gun range in Caledonia.

I had my trusty Smith and Wesson .357 magnum revolver and my 30-30 Winchester lever action rifle. Two other guys there had some fancy pistols (don't remember their make anymore) and AR-15s. The funny things was each of their guns had more accessories on them then my revolver has chambers. Why anybody needs a laser, flashlight, and red dot optics on a single pistol is beyond me.

Anyways they had to come over to me to show me their awesome guns. I looked at them and withheld my laughter. Then I uncased my guns and they started laughing. I didn't give them much time, Lord new they had enough problems moving around with all that gear in their vests.

Anyways they made a few comments about my guns being so old my great grandfather must have willed them to me (if only I had some guns with history like that behind them). Then they went on blabbering about how awesome their guns were because the military uses them.

Somehow their guns could suffer through more then mine. Desert, arctic conditions, jungle, forest, molting hot lava, the center of the Earth (OK I made up the last two), you name it. I didn't both telling them that the type of guns I had with were doing this crap for longer then any of us were alive.

But they also went on a spiel about how awesome H and K guns were. Now they never used an H and K gun before but since that's what all the cool people used (i.e. movie stars that aren't Clint Eastwood) the guns were obviously forged from steel and awesome.

Man I love zealous people who think they know everything about guns because they played Counter-Strike.