
I try not to be judgmental of other people's beliefs but I have limits. Now that the National Security Administration's (NSA) rampant surveillance operation is publicly known there are two camps: those who oppose the NSA's snooping and those dumb bastards who support it:

These people trust our government to amass a gigantic database of personal information on civilians suspected of no wrongdoing because only criminals and terrorists have an expectation of privacy.

And I think they’re idiots. So I made this to mock them.

The Twitter account _nothingtohide displays tweets by people who support the NSA's actions. These people are so ignorant that they believe they have nothing to hide. As Classical Liberal pointed out in one of my Faceboook posts, the average American commits three felonies a day. Every day most of us, unknowingly, commit three acts that, if prosecuted, would cost us our right to keep and bear arms and, in many states, ability to vote.

Everybody has something to hide from the state since the state has created a legal system that turns most people in criminals. If you're OK with the NSA spying on you then you have no idea how ridiculous the laws in this country are. It doesn't matter if you think you have nothing to hide, it only matters if the state thinks you have something to hide because it's the entity that will be kicking down your door in the middle of the night, shooting your dog, and kidnapping you for a minor transgression against a ridiculous law that you were completely ignorant about.