If You Don't Talk To Your Kids About State Violence, Who Will
Those of you who have watched Equilibrium probably remember the protagonist's son. There are a few scenes in the movie where he, wearing his little jackboot uniform, ensures his father is taking his government mandated drug. In the movie the State trains the children to find offenders who aren't taking their mandated drugs and goes so far as to train them to spy on their own parents. It's an idea taken right out of the pages of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Sadly, that part of the movie isn't entirely inaccurate today. Many parents unknowingly have little quislings living in their homes. To make matters worse, they often praise their children's traitorous behavior. Take the Richardson family as an example:
Little 6-year-old Robbie Richardson called 911 on his dad when he “ran a red light.”
“911 what’s your emergency?,” Quincy Police Dispatcher Michael Bowes asks when he answers the call, a recording of which was obtained by ABC News.
“Um, Daddy went past a red light,” the dutiful kindergartner explained. “Daddy went past a red light. He has a black truck. He was in the brand new car, my mommy's car, and we had to go to the car wash, and then he went past the red light."
The 911 operator wasn't a total douche and didn't send a law enforcer to thump the father's skull. But I'm sure the father had a good talk with his son about government violence, right? No:
As for their son, Robbie’s parents are proud of their little law-abiding citizen.
“I am proud of him that he knew if there was an emergency you call 911, but we were kind of in shock,” said McDonald. “We explained to him when we hung up the phone that you don’t call for those things, but if there was an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of the police, then you call.”
She’s now keeping clips of Robbie’s newfound fame because you never know what the future holds.
“He could become a police officer when he’s older and this would be cute to look back on,” she said. “I think I’m going to look into getting him a little ticket book.”
I'm going to have a headache all day from face palming after reading that. State violence begins at home. You should talk to your kids early on about the difference between actual crimes, ones involving a victim, and government decrees. Your children should also know that there is a chance of real violence anytime the police are brought into a situation. What may start as dad growing some cannabis so he can deal with his chronic pain, could end up in dead family pets and dad being kidnapped if a law enforcement agent finds out.
One thing is certain, if you don't teach your children about government violence the public education system will brainwash them into believing the government is their friend. Programs like D.A.R.E. exist to convince kids at a young age that they can "trust police officers", that "police officers are their friends", and that they can always "tell a police officer anything". These ideas could end up convincing your children to turn you in for violating a government decree.
If you don't talk to your children about state violence, who will?