I'm Not Sure Who is Supposed to Find the Affordable Care Act Affordable
While the bill was titled the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it never said what class of individuals would find it affordable. As more parts of the ACA are implemented the more apparent it becomes that the law is doing everything but creating affordable health insurance. On top of the high premiums people have been quoted there are also hidden costs popping up all over:
Under Obamacare, consumers are eligible to benefit from two different streams of subsidies.
The first category of subsidies (dubbed “premium tax credits”) is based on family income, and will be used to offset the cost of buying the health plans.
The second category of subsidies is less well known.
Dubbed the “cost-sharing subsidies,” these payments help pay for out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles and co-pays. The “cost-sharing subsidies” also provide a sort of re-insurance to lower someone’s costs when they hit their catastrophic limits as a result of a major illness.
Problems with the way both categories of subsidies are being calculated will saddle consumers with unexpected costs.
Click the link for the details. To summarize it, we the people are getting fucked in every orifice. It's rather funny when you think about it. People were screaming for "free" government healthcare. In many European countries such demands were fulfilled by implementing a socialized healthcare system. Instead of paying insurance companies or hospitals yourself, the state pays them with collected tax money. Here in the United States we decided to opt for a fascist healthcare system. We're required by law to purchase health insurance from politically connected insurance companies or pay a fine. Since we're buying insurance we still have to deal with issues such as deductibles and co-pays. In countries with socialist healthcare systems the people get fucked once in the form of taxes. Under a fascist healthcare system the people get fucked numerous times. Between having to buy insurance or pay a fine, dealing with deductibles, paying portions of hospital and clinic visits, co-pays, etc., etc. we're being bled dry with unpredictable costs.
There's a thin line separating socialism and fascism but you can see it easily when you're on the fascist side.