Interesting Windows Security Issue

Note that I didn't say security hole nor security flaw, that was intentional. The nerd part of my brain has been working in overdrive as of late which means I've been looking into geeky things. One thing that always intrigues me is the field of security. Well I found the following story on Wired that talks about a security issue in SSL/TLS (The security mechanisms used prominently by web browsers to secure web pages). The article leads to a "no duh" paper that shows how government entities can use their power to subvert SSL/TLS security by cohering certificate authorities into issuing valid certificates (Anybody who knows how SSL/TLS work already knew this was a possibility).

The part that interested me most was an exert from one of the sited sources in the paper. See back in the day there was some kerfuffle over the fact that Microsoft included a couple hundred trusted root certificates in their operating system. Root certificates are what ultimately get used to validate a certificate issued to a website. Thus root certificates are the ultimate "authority" in determine if a website you are visiting is valid or not. The more root certificates you have the large the possibility of a malicious certificate being certified as trusted (Statistically speaking of course. This assumes that with more root certificates the possibility of one of those root certificate "authorities" being corruptible increases). Anyways Microsoft eventually trimmed down the number of root certificates included in their operating system. But they didn't actually cut down the number of certificates because according to their own developer documentation:

Root certificates are updated on Windows Vista automatically. When a user visits a secure Web site (by using HTTPS SSL), reads a secure email (S/MIME), or downloads an ActiveX control that is signed (code signing) and encounters a new root certificate, the Windows certificate chain verification software checks the appropriate Microsoft Update location for the root certificate. If it finds it, it downloads it to the system. To the user, the experience is seamless. The user does not see any security dialog boxes or warnings. The download happens automatically, behind the scenes.

Microsoft just pulled a security theater here. They didn't cut down the number of trusted certificates, they just moved them somewhere people wouldn't see them. If you connect to a web page that has a certificate that can't be validated against a root certificate Windows will automatically go out to Microsoft's servers and see if a root certificate there will validate the web site's certificate. If one of those root certificates will validate the web site certificate it is downloaded onto your machine automatically and the site is listed as trusted. In essence Windows trusts more root certificates than it lets on.

So what does this mean? Well it means the window for having corrupted root certificate authorities is larger. With the exception of Firefox all major web browsers depend on the underlying operating system's root certificate store to validate web pages (Firefox actually ships with it's trusted root certificates and uses it's own store as opposed to the underlying operating system's). This also gives two potential locations to place a malicious root certificate. If an attacker was able to gain access to Microsoft's online root certificate store and upload their own root certificate any SSL/TLS page they created using that root certificate for validation would show as trusted in all versions of Windows (Firefox still would show the site as untrusted). Granted the window for this attack would be small as Microsoft would most likely find it almost immediately and remove it. Likewise the likelihood of such an attack occurring a very small considering the short time frame it would be valid for. But it's interesting thing to ponder regardless. Additionally the same attack could create a binary of Firefox with the same malicious root certificate included and make it available for download causing the same problem for Firefox users.

No matter what operating system or browser you use the validity of SSL/TLS connections eventually requires that you trust somebody (Which goes against the trust no one security motto). The question here is who are you willing to trust. Only you can determine that but knowing how a security system works and how it's implemented are important in making that decision. Anyways I just thought that was interesting.