It's Not Your Car

I think the technology behind modern electric cars is really cool. What I don't like though is that electric car manufacturers don't seem satisfied with simply replacing gasoline engines with electric motors, they are also trying to replace the owner as the decision maker:

Hurricane Florence is approaching the East Coast of the US, and is predicted to bring with it catastrophic flooding, high winds, as well as a life-threatening storm surge and rain in North and South Carolina. As a result, both GM and Tesla have remotely activated features in their cars that could be of use in an evacuation.

Since OnStar is a subscription service, I at least understand why GM has control over whether or not certain features are available to users. But why should Tesla owners require the manufacturer to decide they need access to the extra battery capacity in order to utilize it? Why can't the car have a button that enables and disables the capacity lock?

More and more consumers are losing control over devices that are supposedly theirs. Consumers are being treated like children who are incapable of making rational decisions and must therefore be guided by the manufacturer. This doesn't sit well with me. When I buy something, I want complete control over it. If there is extra capacity in my vehicle's battery, I want to have the ability to decide whether or not it's being utilized. Unfortunately, it appears that I'm in the minority because most consumers appear to welcome having an overlord dictate what they can and cannot do with their devices.