More Anti-Gunner Whining About Wisconsin's Imminent Passing of Carry Legislation

The hysterics presented by anti-gunners would be funny if they weren't so pathetic (by they I mean both the anti-gunners and their hysterics). Take for instance this article warning that Wisconsin's (hopefully) soon to be enacted carry legislation will allow people to carry in parks and at the Milwaukee County Zoo:

"Milwaukee will be like the wild wild west," Said State Rep. Elizabeth Coggs. "To think that you can take a gun to a park, a bar, a daycare center, the zoo ... it's ridiculous."

Coggs is correct in that the bill could turn Wisconsin into the Wild West, but it would be like the real Wild West [PDF] not the Hollywood portrayal most anti-gunners seem to have. Of course the anti-gunners are panicking because law abiding citizens will be able to carry at several venues that they like to frequent:

Under the bill, any free outdoor festival without gates does not have the ability to prohibit concealed weapons. That means guns could be present at events like Bastille Days, South Shore Frolics and the Locust Street Festival.

The inability to prohibit concealed weapons would also affect lakefront fireworks displays.

I'm sure Wisconsin will have the same trouble with people being able to legally carry concealed weapons at their open air festivals as the other 48 states who allow some form of carry have. That is to say Wisconsin won't have any trouble at all.

Here's the thing Wisconsin, you're the late comer to the party. Although it has sucked for your citizens it does offer one advantage; you get to see the affects of enacting carry legislation in other states. When you look at each state that has continued to liberalize (the classical definition of the word) their carry laws you'll notice a pattern of zero increase in violent crime and in many cases a decrease. You will also notice that there have been no apparent cases of arguments between somebody legally carrying a firearm and a third party that escalated to a shooting fight (at least if there has been such a case the anti-gunners haven't reported on it).

I'm just glad that fewer and fewer people listen to whining anti-gunners. They've been crying wolf so long that people no longer take their prophecies of gloom and doom with and amount of seriousness. The difference though is unlike the kid who cried wolf the anti-gunners' prophecies won't come true.