One of These Things Is Just Like the Other

Since I already wrote one post about the similarities between Obama and Trump today I might as well keep writing on the theme. A lot of people are up in arms because border agents used teargas on immigrants who were trying to cross the imaginary line that separates the United States from Mexico. How horrible is it that Trump authorized the use of such violence against poor, defenseless women and children (as his critics put it)?! Of course the people crying foul now didn't utter a peep when the same thing happened under Obama:

Under President Donald Trump, CBP's use of the substance has hit a seven-year record high, with the agency deploying the substance a total of 29 times in fiscal year 2018, which ended on September 30, 2018, according to the agency's data.

However, the data also showed that the substance was deployed nearly the same number of times in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 under former President Barack Obama, with CBP using the substance 26 times in fiscal year 2012 and 27 times in fiscal year 2013.

Once again we see the hypocrisy that is common amongst the most vocal of politically opinionated individuals. When a politician on the "other" team does something, the politically opinionated scream bloody murder. When a politician on "their" team does the exact same thing, the politically opinionated clap their hands, cheer, and wax poetically about how effective "their" politician is.

I tend to consider most politically opinionated individuals to be unprincipled but that's not entirely accurate. They do have one principle, which is that "their" party is always right. Even when "their" party does something they disagree with it's only because it was forced into doing so by the "other" party. I believe that technically qualifies as a principle but it's a stupid one to have in my opinion.