Perks Of The Job

What's the best way to fight the State's war on drug users? Apparently by becoming part of the State and working from within:

A former Massachusetts drug-lab chemist was high on the job nearly every day for eight years, according to a report from the state's attorney general. The report said that the chemist, Sonja Farak, was under the influence of drugs like crack, meth, LSD, and ketamine as she testified in court in drug cases and while examining drug samples in a crime lab between 2004 and 2013.

The report from AG Maura Healey also said the chemist cooked crack cocaine in a crime lab at night while working overtime.

Anthony Benedetti of the Committee for Public Counsel Services said that "thousands" of drug prosecutions were imperiled. "Anything that went through that lab while she was there is in question," he told the Boston Globe.

I'm being a bit humorous here. It would be far better if those drug users were never imprisoned in the first place. But it is amusing that a large number of prosecutions may be jeopardized because the lab technician was herself doing drugs.

I wonder if she every had to testify in court immediately after dropping the acid that was taken off of the accused? It would be hard to keep a straight face in that situation. Either way, she deserves some credit for being high at both the lab and in court for eight years without anybody noticing. That's impressive.