Pragmatism is My Least Favorite Philosophy
Pragmatism is my least favorite philosophy. Unfortunately, it seems to be the philosophy a majority of the human race as subscribed to.
The idea behind pragmatism is that policies should be implemented that provide the greatest good to the greatest number of people. On paper that doesn't sound bad. In practice it has lead to a tremendous amount of death and destruction.
The very foundation of pragmatism is unsound because it never addresses what the greatest good. What qualifies as the greatest good to me may not necessarily qualify as the greatest good to you. Consider the Nazi Party (we're brining Godwin into this conversation right at the start). The Nazi Party blamed much of the world's problems on the Jews and decided that the world would be far better without them. This lead to the Holocaust. Now consider the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union believed that the greatest good for humanity was communism. It saw anybody who disagreed with communism as a threat to the future of humanity and, like the Nazi Party, chose to exterminate that perceived threat. Millions of people were slaughtered by those two regimes. Did they provide the greatest good to the greatest number of people? Most people today would say that they didn't but the people who were running those regimes believed that they were.
Therein lies the biggest problem with pragmatism: anything goes so long as it can be justified as the greatest good for the greatest number of people. If a few million people have to die? Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few million eggs! That's just the price we have to pay for progress!