Punishing The People Because Of Terrorism
The San Bernardino attack is just another tragedy on a long list of tragedies exploited by the State. Again we're seeing the tired claim by the political body that the people must be severely punished:
Obama said he will "urge high-tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice," without going into details, and order a review of the visa waiver program that allowed one of the San Bernardino terrorists into the US. Obama also called on Congress to ban people on no-fly lists from buying guns. "What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?" he asked. "This is a matter of national security."
Mr. Obama may not have gone into specifics but we know what he's hinting at. "Making it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice," is a euphemism for prohibiting the use of effective cryptography. In other words the basic security tools every one of us relies on every day must be broken so the State can further expand it's already too expansive surveillance apparatus.
Reviewing the visa program is a euphemism for finding more ways to restrict people from crossing the imaginary lines often referred to as borders. Anybody who has been paying attention to recent political maneuvering is aware that the State is becoming more interested in tightening the borders. Just remember that a secure border prevents tax cattle from leaving.
Finally the question, "What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terrorist suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon," is a euphemism for removing due process from decided who can and cannot own a firearm. Apparently having to go through the process of finding somebody guilty of a crime before they can be prohibited from owning a firearm is just too damn inconvenient.
Notice how each of these proposals requires punishing the entire population of almost 319 million for the actions of two individuals. Also notice how none of these proposals will do anything to curtail terrorism. Just because domestic companies can't release tools that use effective cryptography doesn't mean foreign entities can't. According to the United States government the border is 102,514 miles long. Any thoughts of effective controlling over 100,000 miles of territory is nothing but a fantasy. Prohibiting more people from owning firearms only ensures attackers will be met with lighter resistance.
There are many ways of making a society more resilient to attacks. Punishing everybody in society whenever attack occurs is not one of them.