Ron Paul Calls for Criminal Charges Against Eric Holder
At least one person in Washington DC is still on the up and up. Ron Paul has officially come out and said Eric Holder should be criminally charged for his involvement in Fast and Furious:
Congress is currently investigating Fast & Furious. Attorney General Eric Holder has already been caught making at least one false statement under oath.
Gun rights advocates have been asking why Republicans aren't calling for criminal charges against Eric Holder. Many have criticized FOX News for giving the story little coverage. CBS national news has been breaking most of the new details related to Fast & Furious. Recently Eric Holder yelled at a reporter at an event in DC. He blamed the media for public outrage over Fast & Furious, and told a reporter "you guys need to stop it."
Today, Texas Congressman Ron Paul became the first GOP president candidate to call for criminal charges against Eric Holder.
Speaking to syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones, Paul called for Holder to be "immediately fired." Paul went on to say "I think it was criminal," and called the operation a "false flag." He said that there needs to be an immediate investigation into Holder himself, and said Holder "deserves charges."
Kudos to Ron Paul for demanding what nobody else has and brining up the fact that Fast and Furious was a false flag operation to advance gun control. Holder's false flag operation has lead to the death of both American and Mexican citizens just so the current administration could fabricate a scenario to advocate for more gun control.