SAF Challenging Interstate Handgun Sale Ban

Here's another story about the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) being awesome again. In the United States it's currently not legal for a resident of one state to buy a handgun in another state. This is a rather stupid and arbitrary rule because as a resident of Minnesota I can purchase a long gun in Wisconsin (I've done this a couple of times) yet handguns are somehow so super scary that they are subject to entirely different rules. It seems SAF has had enough of this shit:

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the constitutionality of federal and Virginia provisions barring handgun sales to non-residents.

SAF is joined in the lawsuit by Michelle Lane, a District of Columbia resident who cannot legally purchase handguns because there are no retail firearms dealers inside the District. The Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller ruling struck down the District’s handgun ban, confirming that individuals have a constitutional right to possess handguns.

I like this strategy. SAF has some smart people working on their legal team as evident by their victories in Heller vs. District of Columbia and McDonald vs. Chicago so I feel their chances of destroying this ban are pretty decent. Every gun owner should toss a few bucks their way so they can keep being awesome.