Santorum Aborts His Presidential Race

It's a good thing I learned about Lynne Torgerson when I did, otherwise I wouldn't have any good punching bags:

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has bowed out of the race, leaving former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as the presumptive nominee.

The former Pennsylvania senator made the announcement at a news conference in Gettysburg in his home state.

I'm guessing he was contacted by an Inner Republican Party member and reminded that it's Romney's turn this election cycle. Last election cycle Romney was a notable challenge to McCain but McCain was old and it looked unlikely he's live long enough to run for the presidency a second time. The Inner Republican Party probably asked Romney to step down so McCain could have one last hurrah with the promise of the nomination next election cycle. Now it's Romney's turn and that requires Santorum to get out of the way, likely with a promise of the nomination next election cycle.

While I'm glad he's out I will miss his sheer idiocy. Everything he uttered was pure stupidity and made for excellent blog fodder.