Security Implications of Destructive Updates

More and more it should be becoming more apparent that you don't own your smartphone. Sure, you paid for it and you physically control it but if the device itself can be disabled by a third-party without your authorization can you really say that you own it? This is a question Samsung Galaxy Note 7 owners should be asking themselves right now:

Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 recall in the US is still ongoing, but the company will release an update in a couple of weeks that will basically force customers to return any devices that may still be in use. The company announced today that a December 19th update to the handsets in the States will prevent them from charging at all and "will eliminate their ability to work as mobile devices." In other words, if you still have a Note 7, it will soon be completely useless.

One could argue that this ability to push an update to a device to disable it is a good thing in the case of the Note 7 since the device has a reputation for lighting on fire. But it has rather frightening ownership and security implications.

The ownership implications should be obvious. If the device manufacturer can disable your device at its whim then you can't really claim to own it. You can only claim that you're borrowing it for as long as the manufacturer deems you worthy of doing so. However, in regards to ownership, nothing has really changed. Since copyright and patent laws were applied to software your ability to own your devices has been basically nonexistent.

The security implications may not be as obvious. Sure, the ability for a device manufacturer to push implicitly trusted software to their devices carries risks but the tradeoff, relying on users to apply security updates, also carries risks. But this particular update being pushed out by Samsung has the ability to destroy users' trust in manufacturer updates. Many users are currently happy to allow their devices to update themselves automatically because those updates tend to improve the device. It only takes a single bad update to make those users unhappy with automatic updates. If they become unhappy with automatic updates they will seek ways of disabling updates.

The biggest weakness in any security system tends to be the human component. Part of this is due to the difficulty of training humans to be secure. It takes a great deal of effort to train somebody to follow even basic security principles but it takes very little to undo all of that training. A single bad experience is all that generally stands between that effort and having all of it undone. If Samsung's strategy becomes more commonplace I fear that years of getting users comfortable with automatic updates may be undone and we'll be looking at a world where users jump through hoops to disable updates.