Security Is A Growing Threat To Security
Where a person stands on the subject of effective cryptography is a good litmus test for how technically knowledgeable they are. Although any litmus test is limited you can tell immediately that an individual doesn't understand cryptography if they in any way support state mandated weaknesses. Mike Rogers, a former Michigan politician, expressed his ignorance of cryptography in an editorial that should demonstrate to everybody why his opinion on this matter can be safety discarded:
Back in the 1970s and '80s, Americans asked private companies to divest from business dealings with the apartheid government of South Africa. In more recent years, federal and state law enforcement officials have asked -- and required -- Internet service providers to crack down on the production and distribution of child pornography.
You know where it is going when the magical words "child pornography" are being mentioned in the first paragraph.
Take another example: Many communities implement landlord responsibility ordinances to hold them liable for criminal activity on their properties. This means that landlords have certain obligations to protect nearby property owners and renters to ensure there isn't illicit activity occurring on their property. Property management companies are typically required to screen prospective tenants.
Because of the title of the editorial I know this is supposed to be about encryption. By using the words "child pornography" I know this article is meant to argue against effective cryptography. However, I have no bloody clue how landlords play into this mess.
The point of all these examples?
There's a point?
That state and federal laws routinely act in the interest of public safety at home and abroad. Yet now, an emerging technology poses a serious threat to Americans -- and Congress and our government have failed to address it.
Oh boy, this exercise in mental gymnastics is going to be good. Rogers could be going for the gold!
Technology companies are creating encrypted communication that protects their users' privacy in a way that prevents law enforcement, or even the companies themselves, from accessing the content. With this technology, a known ISIS bomb maker would be able to send an email from a tracked computer to a suspected radicalized individual under investigation in New York, and U.S. federal law enforcement agencies would not be able to see ISIS's attack plans.
Child pornography and terrorism in the same editorial? He's pulling out all the stops! Do note, however, that he was unable to cite a single instance where a terrorist attack would have been thwarted if only effective encryption hadn't been in the picture. If you're going to opt for fear mongering it's best to not create hypothetical scenarios that can be shot down. Just drop the boogeyman's name and move on otherwise you look like an even bigger fool than you would.
What could a solution look like? The most obvious one is that U.S. tech companies keep a key to that encrypted communication for legitimate law enforcement purposes. In fact, they should feel a responsibility and a moral obligation to do so, or else they risk upending the balance between privacy and safety that we have so carefully cultivated in this country.
Here is where his entire argument falls apart. First he claims "state and federal laws routinely act in the interest of public safety" and now he's claiming that state and federal laws should work against public safety.
Let's analyze what a hypothetical golden key would do. According to Rogers it would allow law enforcement agents to gain access to a suspect's encrypted data. This is true. In fact it would allow anybody with a copy of that key to gain access to the encrypted data of anybody using that company's products. Remember when Target and Home Depot's networks were breached and all of their customers' credit card data was compromised? Or that time Sony's PlayStation Network was breached and its customers' credit card data was compromised? How about the recent case of that affair website getting breached and its customers' personal information ending up in unknown hands? And then there was the breach that exposed all of Hacking Team's dirty secrets and many of its private keys to the Internet. These are not hypothetical scenarios cooked up by somebody trying to scare you into submission but real world examples of company networks being breached and customer data being compromised.
Imagine the same thing happening to a company that held a golden key that could decrypt any customer's encrypted data. Suddenly a single breach would not only compromise personal information but also every device every one of the company's customers possessed. If Apple, for example, were to implement Rogers' proposed plan and its golden key was compromised every iOS user, which includes government employees I might add, would be vulnerable to having their encrypted data decrypted by anybody who acquired a copy of the key (and let's not lie to ourselves, in the case of such a compromise the key would be posted publicly on the Internet).
Network breaches aren't the only risk. Any employee with access to the golden key would be able to decrypt any customer's device. Even if you trust law enforcement do you trust one or more random employees at a company to protect your data? A key with that sort of power would be worth a lot of money to a foreign government. Do you trust somebody to not hand a copy of the key over to the Chinese government for a few billion dollars?
There is no way a scenario involving a golden key can end well, which brings us to our next point.
Unfortunately, the tech industry argues that Americans have an absolute right to absolute privacy.
How is that unfortunate? More to the point, based on what I wrote above, we can see that the reason companies don't implement cryptographic backdoors isn't because they believe in some absolute right to privacy but because the risks of doing so are too great of a liability.
The only thing Rogers argued in his editorial was his complete ignorance on the subject of cryptography. Generally the opinions of people who are entirely ignorant on a topic are discarded and this should be no exception.