Somebody Check the Temperature in Hell
I think it's getting cold in the land of the damned. Via the Gun Rights Radio Network forum I found this story. An ABC news channel posted this story about most shooting occurring in gun free zones...
From the surprising article...
Based on data from the SEALE study, an analysis by TDI, and our own painstaking research, we are able to say definitively that most "active killer" shootings have occurred in so-called "gun free" zones. The experts who say they may be "invitations" are also John Benner and Ron Borsch who have six decades of law enforcement experience and training between them.
I never thought I'd see something like this on an ABC page but here it is. This article also has the best quote in a liberal media site I've seen in ages...
As journalists, we are not interested in entering into the heated debate over gun control. We are, however, interested in reporting the facts. In this story, the facts point to the active shooters ignoring gun prohibitions and perhaps selecting those locations because they are "soft targets" where no resistance would be found.
When did they get interested in reporting facts instead of the usual anti-gunner rhetoric they normally spew? Don't get me wrong if they decide to start posting real news accurately instead of drumming up fear and hysteria I'm all for it. Hopefully this becomes a more common thing.