Streamlining Subjugation
The United Kingdom is planning to streamline its subjugation of its subjects. As things currently stand, pleading guilty to a crime requires at least signing a piece of paper and mailing it in. But soon subjects of the crown will be able to plead guilty by logging into a website:
A government report has confirmed it plans to roll out a scheme that allows petty criminals to plead guilty online and then have their sentence handed out over a computer.
“Under this proposal, defendants who opt in to the online procedure and plead guilty will be offered the option to accept a pre-determined penalty (including the payment of any appropriate compensation and costs), be convicted and pay the amount immediately.” said the report.
This really isn't as big of a story as some might think. Right now it's aimed at petty "crimes" that usually don't require a court hearing. But like those petty "crimes", this is yet another example of a so-called justice system morphing into a pure revenue generation system.
If a "crime" doesn't even require a court hearing then it's not really a crime because there generally isn't a victim. Consider the "crimes" that this system will be initially used for:
Initially the system will be tested with petty crimes that are non-imprisonable such as: Railway fare evasion, tram fare evasion, and possession of unlicensed rod and line.
If the railways and trams are privately owned then somebody who uses them without paying the required fare is guilty of trespassing. Justice in that case is the trespasser paying the owed fair and any expenses the railway and tram owners faced in collecting the owed fee. If the railways and trams are owned by the State then no crime has been committed because the State cannot legitimately own property. I shouldn't say that no crime has been committed. The State committed the crime of theft to acquire the resources to build the railways and trams. Conveniently, the State's courts, which have monopolized justice, won't prosecute that crime though.
What about possession of an unlicensed rod and line? That's not a crime no matter how you look at it.
So the real story here is that the United Kingdom's court system is continuing its evolution into a revenue generation system. Creating a website for people to log into to plead guilty to non-crimes is just streamlining the process of subjugation that already exists.