Streamlining the Killing Floor
What tools do the police need for these times of dwindling violent crime? How about a more streamlined process to kill the convicted? Apparently that's what the unions representing police officer in Poway, California think is needed:
POWAY — A coalition of local law enforcement members met Thursday to discuss backing changes to California’s death penalty process, from streamlining appeals to finding an acceptable execution method.
“The death penalty, I believe, is broken in California. I also believe it can certainly be fixed,” Matt Clay, president of the Deputy Sheriff’s Association of San Diego County, told reporters.
Members of unions representing sheriff’s deputies, police officers and prosecutors in the county met in Poway with Assemblyman Brian Jones, R-Santee, as well as survivors of murder victims whose killers remain on death row to talk about backing a proposed death penalty initiative.
I guess better wages and benefits are no longer wanted. It makes sense. Modern policing really reflect thuggery more than it reflects peace keeping. Thuggery requires threats and there's no better threat than death. Therefore it makes sense that the best way to help today's police departments is to make it easier for them to threaten suspects with the death penalty.
We live in some seriously fucked up times.