Stupidity in Quotations

So I've been talking about the people legally brining guns with them to these health care rallies. Of course I mentioned I bring my gun with me everywhere I legally can. Of course common sense went out the window because we were talking about guns near the Obamessiah.

Me: "I don't know who there might try to cause me harm. I carry a gun so if somebody means to cause me harm they are going to have to work for it."

Other Person: "And what are the chances of you being attacked at one of these rallies. I'm guessing pretty slim."

Me: "The chances of me getting into a car accident on my way home tonight are pretty slim as well but I still wear my seat belt."

And that is where the conversation ended. Seriously people just don't grasp the concept that carrying the gun has no downside for me and greatly lowers my risk. On the other hand not carrying the gun with me has many downsides and greatly increases my risk. I swear simple math is beyond the scope of many people.