Ten Years

It's hard to believe that I started my blog almost 10 years ago (it came online January of 2009). In that time I've written 7,878 posts on a lot of different topics.

Looking back at my decade of blogging I can say that it has been a good use of time. Writing, like all other activities, is improved with practice and regularly blogging gives a lot of writing practice. Moreover, writing about topics requires more thinking than one might otherwise do. It's also interesting for me to look back at how my interests and beliefs have changed over the last decade.

While I find that blogging has been greatly beneficial to me it has also be time consuming. In order to focus on other projects, I'm planning to do quite a bit less blogging in the coming years. I don't plan to stop completely but I can't keep up this pace while also keeping up with everything else. You'll see new content here in 2019 but not as much. When the other projects I'm focusing on are further along, I'll post about them here.

Anyways, here's another the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. Hopefully the new year ends up being as absurd as the last year (I would hate to be bored in 2019).