The American Medical System
What do you get when you take a wonderful free market medical system and continuously inject a little more government into it? The American medical system:
Sorry, let me explain a hospital to you: we give you medical care, then we charge whatever the hell we want for it.
If you don’t like that, go fuck yourself and die.
Honestly, there’s no telling what you’ll pay today. Maybe $700. Maybe $70,000. It’s a fun surprise! Maybe you’ll go to the ER for five minutes, get no treatment, then we’ll charge you $5,000 for an ice pack and a bandage. Then your insurance company will be like, “This is nuts. We’re not paying this.” Who knows how hard you’ll get screwed? You will, in three months.
When I buy gas, books, groceries, a cell phone plan, computers, or anything else, the prices are clearly posted. I know what a gallon of gas costs before I buy it. I know what a gallon of milk and a carton of eggs costs before I buy them. But when I need anything involving the medical industry, I seldom have any idea what I'm going to be charged. If I ask, I won't get a straight answer (unless I'm dealing with one of the handful of wonderful medical facilities that deals in cash but they're still pretty hard to find). I'll be told that it will depend on my insurer.
My insurer is an asshole. It has continued to increase my premiums and deductibles will reducing my services. I'm stuck with it though because I, like most Americans, get my insurance through my employer and my employer isn't big enough to strong arm insurers into providing better packages. This was an entirely different situation before the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which mandated that every American do business with medical insurers and thus removed any motivation they had to provide a good product at a reasonable price. Before the ACA my insurance was pretty decent and if it hadn't been decent, I could have found an individual plan that suited my needs.
The passage of the ACA was just one amongst decades worth of laws that slowly transformed the country's free market medical system into the government controlled mess that won't even clearly tell you what the product you're buying costs. Unfortunately, most people subscribe to the idea that if something didn't work then it wasn't tried hard enough. If you ask most people how the medical system can be fixed, they'll tell you, "More government!" Needless to say I'm not hopeful that I'll be able to walk into a clinic and see a board that clearly advertises the prices being charged for offered services anytime soon.