The Difficulty of Classifying People

It must be difficult being a collectivist. Their philosophy requires that 7 billion unique individuals fit neatly into a handful of boxes. Is an individual male or female? Is an individual a proletariat or a bourgeois? Is an individual black or white? These questions often seem straight forward but then you run into intersex individuals, workers who also own a stake in means of production, and individuals with white skin who have black ancestry:

In 2010, Taylor took an AncestryByDNA test, he said, “just to confirm what we’d already known.” The results said that he was 90 percent European and 6 percent indigenous American, as well as 4 percent sub-Saharan African.


Still, the results were enough for Taylor to update his birth certificate last November: It now says that he is black, Native American and Caucasian.

Taylor acknowledges that he looks white. But despite being “visually Caucasian,” as he puts it, he considers himself to be multiracial.

“I’m a certified black man,” he told The Post. “I’m certified black in all 50 states. But the federal government doesn’t recognize me.”

What qualifies an individual as being black? This is a question collectivists have to wrestle with. Is it based on ancestry? Is it based solely on skin color? Is there a minimum DNA threshold? Is so, what is that threshold and what is the justification for setting it there?

Every historical attempt to categorize individuals into a handful of tidy boxes has failed. It turns out that a species with 7 billion individuals is rather complex and contains a lot of variety.