The Minnesota Advisory Committee on Capitol Security Looking to Prohibit the Carrying of Firearms at the State Capital

Just a heads up, the Advisory Committee on Capitol Security is holding a hearing tomorrow at 11:00 to review the law that allows individuals with carry permits to carry at the State Capital (after providing notice):

The “Advisory Committee on Capitol Security” has scheduled two meetings to review law and policy around firearms at the Capitol Complex, as part of their efforts to make recommendations to the legislature on improvements to Capitol security.

Representative Michael Paymar, a committee member, has repeatedly attempted to pass a law to prohibit law-abiding Minnesotans from carrying at the Capitol. Of course, this is a solution in search of a problem: we are unable to locate even a single instance where a law abiding gun owner has caused any security concern within the capitol complex.

If descending into the den of the damned is your thing you may find this hearing of interest. Personally, I think we should wait until the state Senate and Congress are in session, get a few thousand people to show up at the Capital, and erect a 30 foot wall around the building and its grounds to quarantine the infection that is government. It would be mutually beneficial. They don't want us to carry firearms in their temple and we don't want them spreading their violent statism in our communities.