Today's Stories from the Unarmed United Kingdom

As we all know Oceania has an almost total ban on private ownership of firearms. They did this in the name of dropping violent crime, so they say. For instance there is a complete ban on handguns in the country but I guess nobody told the four men who robbed the Culleybackey post office.

An eight person has been charged in the case of Swinder Singh Batth's murder. He was shot dead even though there guns are strictly controller in Oceania to prevent shootings.

Finally a couple had their home invaded not once but twice in the same night. In the first robbery three men entered (after the women opened the door for them, remember ensure you know the people before opening the door) and ended up stealing their holiday savings the sum of which wasn't given. After the couple went to bed that night two other men broke into the home and stole £400 in cash and the couple's television. Luckily neither person was murdered but it could have likely went the other way. Being able to defend yourself, especially at home, is not only a nice thing but a required thing.