Using Politics is Akin to Using Astrology to Solve a Physics Problem

According to gun control advocates we have a gun problem. Gun rights advocates have been rebutting their opponent's claim by claiming that we have a mental health problem. Who the hell is this "we" they're both talking about? I have neither a gun nor a mental health problem.

The biggest problem with political debates is that they rely on collectivism. Collectivism is a concept that exists solely in our heads, it doesn't exist in the real world. Each individual is a unique entity. Just because they share some common traits with other individuals doesn't mean they are like those individuals. If membership in a group controlled an individual's actions, we would never have any schisms.

The political means fails to solve problems because it doesn't operate in the framework of reality. Using politics to solve a problem is no different than using astrology to solve a physics problem. When the very premise of your strategy is make believe, you can't expect to develop a real solution.