Why Magnetic Strips On Credit And Debit Cards Need To Die
I've been harping on backwards compatibility as it relates to computer security for a while but that's not the only place backwards compatibility bites us in the ass. Let's consider credit and debit cards.
Chip and pin cards have been the standard in Europe for ages now. The United States is finally thinking about getting onboard. But in true American tradition the move to improve credit and debit card security is being done in the dumbest way possible. First of all the United States is adopting chip and signature, not chip and pin. Second, and this is even worse, the old legacy system of magnetic strips is still being supported. Because of this constantly improving card skimmers are still a viable means of stealing credit and debit card information:
Virtually all European banks issue chip-and-PIN cards (also called Europay, Mastercard and Visa or EMV), which make it far more expensive for thieves to duplicate and profit from counterfeit cards. Even still, ATM skimming remains a problem for European banks mainly because several parts of the world — most notably the United States and countries in Asia and South America — have not yet adopted this standard.
For reasons of backward compatibility with ATMs that aren’t yet in line with EMV, many EMV-compliant cards issued by European banks also include a plain old magnetic stripe. The weakness here, of course, is that thieves can still steal card data from Europeans using skimmers on European ATMs, but they need not fabricate chip-and-PIN cards to withdrawal cash from the stolen accounts: They simply send the card data to co-conspirators in the United States who use it to fabricate new cards and to pull cash out of ATMs here, where the EMV standard is not yet in force.
This is another example of where a hard cutoff where all backwards compatibility is dropped should be implemented. So long as magnetic strips are still supported it's trivial to steal credit and debit card numbers and use them to steal cash from people's accounts.
Security, in general, does not lend itself well to backwards compatibility. Once a system is broken is should be dumped entirely. The credit card companies here in the United States should have required all banks to issue chip cards and all retailers to use readers that only support chip and PIN, Apple Pay, Android Pay, and other such modern payment methods. Instead everybody decided that the average American is too stupid to adapt to a new system and rewarded this perceived stupidity by continuing to support a completely broken standard. Because of that we're all being put at unnecessary risk.